Membership Dues Form

Quickly and easily collect member dues with this customizable membership dues template.
Formstack uses AI to generate customized templates. Just start a free 14-day trial, describe your ideal template, and let us do the rest.

Simplify your workflows

Make worrying about dues payment collection a thing of the past. Use this membership dues template to create a simple and engaging experience for your members. This form is 100% customizable. With Formstack, you can design forms for your nonprofit organization to enhance your outreach, build relationships with members, and grow your organization.

Collect payments online

It's incredibly easy to connect this membership dues template to leading payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and ProPay. Capture one-time payments, or collect recurring membership fees directly on your membership dues template. Learn more!

Create a quality user experience

Show members you appreciate their contributions by creating a quality user experience. Use the Theme Editor to easily brand your survey by adding your logo and colors. Customize the end screen to truly personalize the experience.

Send alerts

Add notification emails to your dues form to alert team members when member dues have been paid. Keeping your team in the loop will help them follow up with anyone who has let their membership lapse.

Capture submissions anywhere

If you're meeting with members off-site or at a conference, you may need to take advantage of the Formstack Go app. With the Formstack Go app you can collect submissions offline to collect membership dues anywhere.

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